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the imie intelligent visual implant succeeded

createdate:2020-10-16 14:23readnum: frequencyshare:

    intellimicro greets all the blind friends in the world on the special day --- the 37th white cane safety day. may you be optimistic, light up the road ahead with the torch of heart despite the darkness and live a shining life.

    over 20 media reported on october 15, the “256-channel flexible electrode implantable epi-retinal stimulator” clinical scientific research successfully performed in xiangya hospital central south university has obtained great achievements --- three retinitis pigmentosa (rp) patients who have been blind for years have restored vision two months after the “imie intelligent visual implant” surgery in the hospital. this marks the chinese blind have realized their dream of restoring vision over the five thousand years from antient times to present.

    the successful launch of the “imie intelligent visual implant” of intellimicro has realized the blind’s dream of restoring vision, and has opened a brand new “visual” world for the blind friends, brought hope of light for the over 20 million patients with retinopathy in the world. this is a remarkable greeting for them on this special day.

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hunan economic television

hunan today 

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