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intellimicro medical consultant seminar

createdate:2019-06-04 09:10readnum: frequencyshare:

on may 26th, 2019, intellimicro equipment co., ltd. (hereafter refer to “company”) held a medical consultant seminar in changsha attended by professor mark humayun, the company board member, medical project leader , scientific consultant, professoryu-chong tai, the company board member, technical project leader and scientific consultant, dr. changlin pang, the board chairman, zhenfei xiang, the board vice chairman and more than 10 experts and professors inophthalmology and neurosurgery. chairman pang conducted the seminar. professor mark and professor tai issued the certificate of appointment to the present medical consultants. 

professor mark and professor tai delivered the speech respectively. they both spoke highly to the development of the company and extended great expectations to intellimicro team. both professors stated that it is important for each enterprise to have its dream and the great dream of intellimicro is to help the blind people to regain their sight. they also highlighted that intellimicro has gathered the best engineers, physicians and employees, with these advantages, we must take actions from this seminar and gain more momentum in developing intellimicro in order to realize our value of life and achieve our great dream. our story will be carved in the health history of humankind.

professor yuntao hu also delivered a speech on behalf of all medical consultants. he said that he will do whatever it takes to help the blind people and improve the happiness index of all disabled people with our high-end medical scientific product in the world.

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